Simple Guide to Keyword Research

Keyword research

Keyword research is an important and valuable point of search engine optimization. It is used by SEO professionals to find out actual search phrases that people type in the search engine when searching for something. SEO professionals research keywords to achieve higher rankings with their chosen keywords.

You should create your keyword list that will describe the product or service and will include search terms that are more likely to be used by searchers. Sometimes your list will have more keywords than you can target. Select targeting keywords that will drive targeted traffic to your website. Usually they bring higher rankings than generic terms.

How to Make the Website SEO Friendly

SEO friendly website

Thousands of new websites appear on the web every day, but how to make the website SEO friendly is the question. A very simple question, but the answer is not so simple.

Your website needs to be SEO friendly to appear on the top rankings of the search engines and it is very important for successful conversion. Make sure to get a website designed with SEO standards, so there will be no complications with content, navigation, internal and anchor links, etc.

To make a website SEO friendly start with its compatibility with all major browsers. Meta titles are very important, write descriptive and clean titles as it is the first thing people catch while looking through the search page.

How to Create Social Media Marketing Strategy

If you have a business and decided to apply to social media marketing to gain more traffic and popularity, this blog post is just for you. Social Media marketing is often understood very narrowly, like thinking it is just Facebook and their blog. However, you need a proper social media marketing strategy in order to achieve better results.

First of all, figure out what you are going to post and how often. Your content should be informative, descriptive, easy to read and compelling the reader to share it. The regular frequency of your posts can leave huge impact on your social media marketing.

How to Socialize Your YouTube Campaign

No video can go viral if you avoid socializing it. It’s the hidden cost of a video campaign you must start to socialize. To make a video go viral takes time, it’s a long and slow process.

Basic important practices and strategies to get your videos shared.
The first group we call youtubers, who have YouTube accounts that have more opportunities to pitch up your video. You should involve your audience in your videos and channel by interacting with them. These people that are registered on YouTube  have the advantage to leave comments, like or dislike the video.

10 SEO Myths Busted

Search Engine Optimization has become an inseparable part of online marketing, so today let’s figure out the 10 SEO Myths that are busted.

Myth #1: Keyword density is a problem that existed in the past as well as nowadays. Just choosing one keyword and stuffing your page with the same word will not work. Often keywords are repetitively and redundantly used in links, footers, anchor texts and titles. You must know that usually people search for several words or phrases, not just one word. Like you are talking about investment, you should mention stock market, real estate or transport.

What’s Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media tool with pinboard style, which allows its users to create, manage and share photos of events and interests. It has more than 10 million registered users. Pinterest drives traffic, sales and leads and is a great tool of social media.

People use pinboards to share their favorite recipes, plan their wedding, choose a style or decide the design of their homes. Users can browse the pinboards of their friends and re-pin photos of favorite singer, flowers or yoga exercises.

5 Tips for Creating and Running a Good Corporate Blog

Nowadays blogs play significant role in SEO and they can be used as useful tool of internet marketing. Content, distribution and frequency are the three main components of a blog.

Creating and running a blog of your business is vital to create a public persona and make your company more popular. You can start a blog either opening one in famous free platforms such as WordPress, Blogger and Posterous, or you can launch completely new blog with its own domain.